Is your body or heart craving rest?
Are you ready to exhale from life’s frantic pace and put ‘self care’ back on the table?
Is it time to listen and trust yourself more, or maybe admit that you want more connection, spaciousness, peace and joy in your life?
Maybe it’s time to pause your ever expanding ‘to do’ list and remember the gifts of simply listening to your own heart, prioritising you and resting in the self care of being?
Are you are the change maker in your lineage, the one who is finally brave enough to end the limiting cycles and call in love, abundance, happiness, health and healing like never before?
If you answered YES to any of these questions these Retreats are for you!
Kate is taking a Sabbatical for an unknown period of time….. Her final Retreat is: Friday 11th October – Sunday 13th October 2024