Kindness and the art of being blessed.

  This past week i have been reflecting on the kindness of others. I have been inundated with snail mail, cooked meals, warm conversations, friendly smiles and my husband even returned home with some wildflowers. My life is immeasurably blessed. And these blessings got me reflecting on the moments that have impacted or changed my life…

This Travelling Writing Life….

We chose to travel Australia this year for many reasons. One of those reasons was to create spaciousness to finish my book. I’m on task! Check out my desk! It’s in the same room as the rest of my house! Yep, i write in my bedroom, the kids room, our kitchen, dining, lounge and everything…

Authenticity. Expression. Trust. Surrender. Repeat.

My friend Chrissy rocks my world. We don’t see each other often yet any moments I share with her fill my cup to overflow. Through her authentic unguarded truth telling and naked vulnerability she teaches me, reminds me, inspires me. There were so many things she shared that buoyed my heart and reminded me of…

Judge me…..

Judge me, please. Go ahead. By all means rest into your righteous position of all I’m doing wrong. Cause God knows I do wrong every single day. And truthfully, I mess up more times than I could ever count. And that righteous place where it’s easy to see all my shortfalls, I’ve rested into that…

A queen wears her crown regardless of weather

Today Freya started school. At Montessori the children enter environments,not classrooms, so Freya has joined Yumi a 3-6 year old space. She is ready, and I guess I must be too. Although I bring a whole world of grown up concepts to the basket. Things like, who am I now? Should I have another baby?…