South Australia 19 July 8.22pm
Mount remarkable down in SA is really gorgeous place. One of my plans during our trip was to meet up with my biological dad and his wife and introduce them to the girls, this seemed like a great place to let that happen. Janice doesn’t camp, so it was a big thing for her. Bill on the other hand has been bush a big part of his life. He told me about how when he was out bush with the old elders, they would make a “blackfellas electric blanket”. This consisted of digging a pit, lighting a fire, burying over the coals and sleeping on top, he guarantees it kept them warm. He has so many stories about culture of his times spent out bush, I am thirsty to learn.
The girls had a ball and it was beautiful to see them playing together. Pearl had them doing all kinds of tricks like jumping roads and star jumps.
I didnt find out about Bill being my biological dad untill i was 17, it was just one of those things that some how goes unsaid in families. I have seen Bill and Janice twice before, when I met them when I was 21 and again when I was 25. This was my third meetup, i am 33. They live in Port Augusta so it always seemed like such a long way away. We keep in touch via phone and email regularly and since the girls have come along it has become more important for me to grow our connection.
Visiting their house for the first time really intrigues me. I was astounded about some of the similarities between Bill and I, especially because we have not really had time together. His house is filled with indigenous art amazing gifts he has been given from indigenous friends. He has spent his life time learning culture from the old elders. He has tons of crystals and has made gem trees and even collects the old green glass I do. I had tea party envy when i saw his collection. These little things were beautiful reminders to me of how interconnected we are, even without realizing it.
It also turns out I have a sister, Naomi, who is 28. Bill said he wanted to tell me about her in person. So when we arrived at camp he did. I felt a bit like i was on one of those “this is your life” shows. The next morning i met Naomi and her beautiful family. It’s been a big week! She was lovely, and i am really thankful we got to meet each other, and i look forward to getting to know her as life allows.
The other big surprise for me was learning Bills grandma, my great grandma, was indigenous. While it was a surprise on one level, learning this has helped me understand my deep passion for indigenous culture and the deep respect i have always felt for it. I’m still not quite sure where everything fits into my being. It feels like a gentle trickle into something greater, so for now I am exploring with curiosity these newly discovered parts of me.
Life flows on.
We are now camped at Rawsnsley Park, an amazing place bordering the national park of wilpena pound. I am sitting alongside my gorgeous man, next to a beautiful fire with the stars shining overhead. Today we did an incredible hike with the girls, we climbed to the top of the pound, pearl climbed all by herself. I had thought it was a 6.4km hike, it seems that was one way 🙂 it is the steepest climb I have ever done, the view was spectacular and my awe at pearls spirit and ability expanded even more! The rangers were so surprised she made it they gave her a badge!
The rock art is different here than I have seen before, there are a lot of etchings and engravings and less actual ochre or charcoal art. Interesting.
Well, the girls are both asleep and it’s getting pretty chilly, my tired legs are dreaming of bed. Nighty night all, sleep sweet xxx
What a wonderful blog to read about your reconnection with your father and sister and all the likenesses you have realised – your great grandmother too. You were truly meant to go travelling and unravel all this knowledge. An emotional time for you. Your world is expanding all the time…………………………….. Love Christine Allen x