Author // Yoga Teacher // Therapist
KMF ~ Writer, sharer, truth bearer, wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend.
Kate is an Australian born Author, Yoga Teacher and Therapist who has been guiding others to courageously listen to and trust their own precious hearts for over two decades.
The author of ‘An Invitation to Trust’ and 2 oracle card decks, Kate’s passion is to share opportunities for others to rest back into tenderness, presence and peace through her Retreats, Workshops and teachings. Kate invites you to rest back into your own wisdom and kindness, while remembering how to trust yourself.
From a tiny girl she was determined to break the dysfunction and traumatic patterns in her family home and for over 3 decades she has immersed herself wholeheartedly in teachings and philosophies from many diverse backgrounds. Kate has had an intimate connection with the divine since she was 3 years old and lives with reverence and a vast appreciation of all faiths and the many paths we travel to connect with the divine.
Her root teachers for the past 2 decades have been Adyashanti and Mukti from Open Gate Sangha, Pema Chodron and His Holiness the Dalai Lama along with many other secondary teachers like Eckhart Tolle, Brene Brown and Gabor Mate.
Change was a constant in Kate’s early life, she stopped counting after living in 30 different homes. A gift from this tumultuous time is her nomadic heart and love of adventure. She has spent years travelling the world with her family, often homeschooling her girls and is now resting in a little beach shack bordering Noosa National Park on the Sunshine Coast awaiting what comes next.
She honours the local Gubbi Gubbi / Kabi Kabi mob for letting her family live on their traditional lands and call this country home.
The release of her debut book, ‘An Invitation to Trust’ received an exceptionally warm welcome from places as far as the USA and Canada.
Most recently Kate created 2x Oracle Card Decks to bless, support and reassure others:
An Invitation to Trust Daily Guidance Oracle and An Invitation to Trust Self Love and Self Care Oracle.
She is slowly working on her next book, a raw and real share on how to embrace and heal from our trauma so we may become the humans we are destined to be. Kate has a way of finding words to express both the heartbreak and beauty that a rich life brings and offers a path to embracing all the colours of our past and ancestral history.
Together with her husband Rob she has just finished creating Dreamy Escapes, a divine dreamy 5 Star sanctuary in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. You are welcome to visit and design your own retreat in one of the Tiny Houses, gather your family for a stay in Tranquility Lodge (sleeps up to 16) or stay in Kate’s very own #dreamcometrue Writer’s Cottage. Even it’s footings and walls are lined with crystals.
A personal letter from KMF:
Hello brave heart.
I am so glad you made it here to this very breath.
Nothing is by chance.
Let me reassure you that you are right on time.
I promise to always be as real, honest and truthful as my consciousness allows. Im not here to ‘spiritual away’ the challenges, because every life has it’s hard and messy bits. I am here to remind you that you that even if it’s hard right now, you are already so deserving of love. The truth is, life isn’t hard because you have done something wrong, it is hard sometimes because you are human, and each of us will face impossible things like losing people we love, health challenges, deep grief and more.
You may not know it right now, but the wisdom you want and need the most, it already lives inside your own heart. It’s quietly and gently waiting for you to rediscover it. To listen deeply and create space for you.
And this brings me to why I am here: I am here to help you remember.
How do i do that?
By being a safe, truthful presence while you take a breath and rest back in to the stillness and wisdom that already rests deep inside your body.
I am here to remind you that you are already enough, you simply need to rest, reconnect and listen to you, and soon enough you will be ready to take that next courageous step….
It’s ok to be afraid, or don’t quite feel ready, ‘feeling’ ready isn’t necessary to take your brave next step.
Risking remembering your goodness and trusting yourself, while you lean into your ‘questions’ is the next step.
We were each born into a rich and complex world, with many stories passed forward through the bones of our ancestors, yet our needs are very simple…
We need each other, and we need to gather together to rest, heal and remember.
It is impossible to heal alone.
You have found your way here, you are ready for the next step. Maybe you would like to begin by reading my book or exploring my Oracle Cards, right now I am taking a Sabbatical to focus inwards, heal my body and rest, so i’m not offering any sessions, Workshops or Retreats etc, but if you sign up for my Newsletter you will be the first to know when I return!
Your dreams are possible, and the secret is starting exactly where you are in this breath.
How about we can be brave, truthful and honest together.
I am here for you from a distance, and ill be posting every now and then on Instagram if you want to stay connected.
With love and kindness,
KMF xo
TRUST is the answer.
Words of support for ‘An Invitation to Trust’:
“I laughed, I cried, I learned….”
“Kate captures the beauty and essence of this very life.”
“A sparkling little chunk of comfort….”
“I just open the page and like magic, whatever I need to read is right there!”
“I have tears of gratitude, honestly this book is a gift for my soul.”
“I have been waiting so long for such a book…”
“This is the kind of book that feels like home yet leaves you looking deeply at yourself.”
“Kate has a true gift of expressing life in a real way…”