This was the first sunrise in over 80 years that my Aunty jean wasn’t here for. She passed last night with the full moon. Her way was strong and clear and kind. She spoke her mind, she helped whoever was in front of her and she had an unshakable faith in Christ. Her Christianity wasn’t…
A window through time…
Sitting in a cafe today I had one of those time standing still moments. As I sat with my husband and youngest daughter I glanced across the room to see a gorgeous young woman enter and greet two of her cherished friends. You could tell straight away these three women loved each other and it…
Every family is different
Our family happens to be a blended one. Is it hard? Of course, all families are hard sometimes. Do we agree on everything? No way, what family does? Do we all show up when we are tired and grumpy and out of our depths? Yep. That’s courage, we couldn’t live without it. Do we get…
Scary successful shiny spiritual women who appear to have it all…
You know what, I’m surrounded by divine women. Wise, beautiful, courageous, spiritual divine women. Powerful and strong women that bring profound goodness to this world every single day. And you know what else, some days that scares the pants off me. My inner Tourettes gets so out of control I paralyse myself. I get to…
My love and honesty scare me, here’s a window to my past anyway xo
Some people you are going to love forever. Maybe it’s all people, I don’t know I’m not very experienced. I just know that the men I’ve loved still live in my heart every day whether I acknowledge them or not. I just awoke from a dream. It was a dream of my first husband, sobbing,…