Chaos calls forth change… Look at birth… It’s messy! (I just discovered these reflections on moving out of our home and reinventing our life. It was written at the end of last year. I often write my way through chapters. You are welcome to read and harvest what you wish.) I’m at that pointy end…
My love and honesty scare me, here’s a window to my past anyway xo
Some people you are going to love forever. Maybe it’s all people, I don’t know I’m not very experienced. I just know that the men I’ve loved still live in my heart every day whether I acknowledge them or not. I just awoke from a dream. It was a dream of my first husband, sobbing,…
The River of Life
Remember in Pocahontas when she sings “you cant step into the same river twice”? Well, i think she was actually onto something. I have been watching this river for two days now and while the vessel it fills, its banks, have only changed ever so slightly, at no point has the river flowing within ever been…
Creativity, the risk of life…
Deep in the recesses of my being I’ve made a ton of agreements with myself. One of these agreements has been that if i was going to do something i would do it well. Not a good job, more like exceptionally unrealistically well. Like just outside what i was humanly capable of well. This has…
A Permission Slip just for you!
Please share at will.
Authenticity. Expression. Trust. Surrender. Repeat.
My friend Chrissy rocks my world. We don’t see each other often yet any moments I share with her fill my cup to overflow. Through her authentic unguarded truth telling and naked vulnerability she teaches me, reminds me, inspires me. There were so many things she shared that buoyed my heart and reminded me of…
My cousin and her richly beautiful short life….
You know what? I’m thankful for all the feist she rained down on me all those years. Her vibrant red hair almost demanded she set the world on fire and my blessing is that I was part of that fiery furnace of love. It may not have always felt like love, she could unleash forces…
Judge me…..
Judge me, please. Go ahead. By all means rest into your righteous position of all I’m doing wrong. Cause God knows I do wrong every single day. And truthfully, I mess up more times than I could ever count. And that righteous place where it’s easy to see all my shortfalls, I’ve rested into that…
She flies alone….
I’ve got that mama lump in my throat, the lip quiver and the eye burn you get when you are being brave for your children in ways you are not sure you can manage. Im showing up anyway. This mother gig is the hardest one I’ve had. It’s been a 24/7 invitation of letting go…
A queen wears her crown regardless of weather
Today Freya started school. At Montessori the children enter environments,not classrooms, so Freya has joined Yumi a 3-6 year old space. She is ready, and I guess I must be too. Although I bring a whole world of grown up concepts to the basket. Things like, who am I now? Should I have another baby?…