Hello my dear.
Although we may not have met, I already count you as my friend.
You see, the world is counting on us to share our gifts….
And we must help each other rise.
Sharing nakedly is scary for me. I’m pretty sure it is scary for most of us. Yet being real, vulnerable and brave is how I serve the world. And if you are here reading these words I’m pretty sure it’s how you can serve the world too.
So how are you going to bless the world?
And how can I support you to do that?
Write to me and let me know and I promise to write back.
Sharing my heart and words is my courageous response to a world that so often overwhelms me. I am one human-being willing to expose my inner world to remind others that we are all the same.
My prayer is that my humanness becomes a shade tree for you to rest under, a light to comfort you and a map to guide you home.

Adventuring through this rich, messy and beautiful life isn’t always easy.
It’s not meant to be. That’s some cheap, new age idea that
keeps people buying things they never really needed in the first place.
Embracing joy each day is one of the scariest adventures of my life! It’s a curious thing that I have often felt more at ease with challenges and hardship than bright illuminated joy. My intention for the rest of my life is to feed and nourish joy in my own life and on this planet!
We all live the seasons of life. They come to expose and lay bare the humanness that connects each and every one of us together. There is nothing wrong with how your life looks right now. Without winter, how could we ever enjoy Spring?
The seasons depend on each other. We do too.
I write to offer something back for the countless books that have saved and changed my life. My words are love letters left behind.

I firmly believe we all have the answers planted within us, all we need is the courage to explore. By gently listening to ourselves, seeking support and continuing to trust the next ‘tiny step’ that is whispering to us, we will awaken and realise we have made it to our dreams.
My offerings are an invitation to you, may they transform your life.
And remember to create time to celebrate the place where you are right now, it is exactly where you are meant to be, it’s on your map, it is the foundation for all you dream of, I can see it.
Regardless of how your life looks,
NOW is the perfect foundation for you to build upon.
Don’t be afraid to enjoy this big delicious smorgasbord of life. Choose courage over comfort whenever you can. Work with your resistance, maybe even make friends with it. And alongside this, keep making friends with JOY…

Here are my daily self-instructions….
Show up.
(Even when you feel afraid).
Be kind to yourself.
(Especially when its hard and when you make mistakes).
Be kind to others.
(Remember kindness looks many ways and includes boundaries).
Don’t get out of bed without them!
(Yourself.. daily! And strive to forgive others, from a distance if you have to, because carrying that weight serves no one).
Take care dear one.
With love and kindness,
In service, KMF xo